It’s a weird thought, how many of us would actually like to connect with people through their “pain”.
Emotions are something that we humans are sensitive and possessive.
Pain considered being a negative emotion, all sensible humans tend to connect with the sufferer in the notion of making them feel better but at the end it’s to just self comfort their own emotional sensitivities than to that of the sufferers. When in pain actually all those comforting phrases and the sympathetic looks will not help the person but on contrary it would make him/her in pain more defensive and repulsive, as most of the time we are overwhelmed by the emotions of pain rather than the cause of the pain.
“Selective connectivity with Pain”, it’s a fact that we don’t want to connect with everyone in pain, I guess the world would have been a better place then. It’s the self shield of ignorance that we have created to protect our happiness. So do we connect to people in pain for our gains in the pretext of forming a common ground of emotional understanding? It’s hard to believe a person when they tell you they understand “how you feel”.
Will time heal the pain in you? I understand it does not! “Time” would only distract you from the past but we will always remember what we surpassed especially in difficult times and that’s why we tend to grow emotionally stronger with suffering .I believe the universe around you would never give you the pain which is beyond your existence. So do not find an easy way out to thread the needle of pain in life…the effort of living through the pain is worth it!
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