Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Vous revoir anges

Vous revoir anges

Do u believe in tooth fairy’s ,I did and still continue to do so, not that I am on my dentures now or having my milk tooth still wrapped up under my pillow making a wish. When you see you will believe. Open your eyes!!

The last two years of my life has been one of the best journeys of my life, surrounded by unknown silence my thoughts has evolved in it and so did I.

Now that I am all set to leap back into the “world of life” I can see the silence melting away by the decibels, it’s a happy sad feeling!! “You get what you give” –a quote we all agree too, retrospectively I feel happy I had done something good , the thoughts I had hidden under my pillow for the tooth fairy to make it true had been a wish come true. She sent me each time her special angels with magical wand and they were their either to guide, console or even give me companionship when I needed the most.

As I see them going away from me, one by one and not sure if there are more to come I would like to say “Thank you” to them for making me a better person. They will become my memories for tomorrow but I still have today to complete and it’s hard, but they had to go and I let them too with no regrets .I will never say you all Good bye  but will only say See you again !!

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